Ouvre tes yeux

Open your eyes is the title for this mural on an underpass featuring a woman with flowing hair and a large, colorful bird. It was painted by a group of artists as part of a festival called Prenez Place, organized in 2017. It can mean take your seat (Avignon is famous for its theater festival) or take your space. Open to interpretation,

Napping Man with Dog

In a bustling part of Avignon’s old city center, by the university, a man naps with his dog. The image cleverly uses its environment to create a trompe l’oeil and transform these 2 dimensional characters into 3. During the Avignon theater festival, when this image was taken, the streets are particularly lively and filled with performers trying to lure the public to their shows. So this peaceful, napping man is a welcome image of calm. as he slowly frays around the edges – the inevitable conclusion of the palimpsest that is street art.

Fragile, Handle With Care

Although the elephant is earth’s largest land creature, it’s future is fragile. Illegal poaching, human/wildlife conflict, and reduction in natural habitat – all human induced – are pushing elephant populations to the brink of extinction. This image shows human skulls alongside a fully grown African elephant – perhaps as a reminder of the deadly consequences of our negative interactions and influences on these highly organized, intelligent, and social animals. Looking closely, there also is an image of a small bee and the words, “you need us, more than we need you,” referring to the delicate interconnectedness we have with the smaller beasts, too, that reflects our own fragility and dependency on nature.